
This Girl...

...is a stud
has a sense of humor that absolutely kills me
loves her friends with an in incredible love
is selfless
a fighter
and truly beautiful inside and out.
She was my first friend when we were timid clueless freshman in college and I instantly knew I had met someone special.

We giggle lots

make funny faces

both really love christmas

and I just love her lots

As I mentioned she's a stud, and a fighter and she's kicking cancer's butt right now and I couldn't be more proud. Her attitude and positivity are incredible and she brings so much joy to those around her. Court, you're wonderful, and I am so blessed and proud to be your friend.
Love you way big huge!
And what better way to celebrate way big huge love than con pane pastries and butterscotch lattes??


  1. I'm a new follower *waves* nice to meet you! Your blog is wonderful and this was such a powerful post!

    Yay to your friend for battling cancer and kicking butt!! It takes a very special and strong person to go through something like that and I wish her all the best! With you by her side and all your giggles you can fight this :)

  2. Oh my cute!!!!! I wish I could have come to the lattes and scones date toooooo!!! Well, that's assuming this washed-up, sideways graduate would have been invited. :)

  3. I love you Angie. This seriously made me cry. You are so sweet and I am so greatful for you as a friend in my life! I couldn't do this without you! And KITTY of course you would have been invited. We miss you.

  4. cancer soooooo deserves to get its butt kicked. i'm glad your friend is doing it!!


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