

Music is irreplaceable. Music LIVE is absolutely unbeatable. Remember that concert I mentioned, the "concert of amazingness", the one that would combine the musical ingenuity of The Guggenheim Grotto and Ingrid Michaelson? Well, it happened, and it was everything it was expected to be, fabulous!

I was talking to my friend Natalie, who attended the concert last minute with us, and we decided that it is truly the sign of a good artist when they sound great on their CD, but unbelievable live. Based on these standards the Guggenheim Grotto and Ingrid Michaelson are very good artists. I was able to attend with dear friends, Skye, Hayley, and Natalie, and loved every minute of the concert (other than having to endure the guy next to me who thought it was appropriate to head bang and and dance extravagantly in the middle of a dense crowd while listening to acoustic guitar).

[photos courtesy of Nat and Hayls]

Thank you Ingrid and Gugs (as we affectionately know you), your music does my hear so much good.

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