

As the school year comes to close I find myself and those around me in a overly reflective sentimental state about the past year and all that it's held. Perhaps one of the biggest blessings of my time here at Point Loma, which thank goodness I still have one more year of, has been competing on the school's track team with some of the greatest people I could ask for. I have been fortunate enough to spend the past 3 years with incredible seniors. However, I also find myself in an incredibly UNfortunate situation because there are freaking 21 of them and they're all leaving me come the end of May. So my dear senior friends, you are all beyond wonderful and have had such an impact on my life. Thank you for being such amazing examples of what it means to work your butt of for success, handle that success with incredible humility, and love each other, your team, and the Lord with such purpose and passion. I could ramble forever so i'll finish it up with 3 simple thoughts...thank you, you will be missed, and you are SO loved!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo...I for suresies want the third to last picture in a frame, on my wall in Abilene. It's that good! I think the NAIA should skip the Academic All-American award and go straight to "Good-lookin All-American award." Cause the Sea Lions would rock that no problem. Just sayin...

    And Ang, you have such amazing talent!!

    PS. At first I thought that WTH Mel (I hope you now what that stands for) was wearing a t-shirt in the second to last pic and I thought "gee, what an over-achiever, bringing 2 shirts to a photo shoot." Then I realized it was her hair.

    PSS. Longest comment ever!!

    XO, Katie


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