
Senior Portraits: Kels

Meet my beautiful curly hair goddess of a roommate, Kels.
She's got a beautiful face and even a more beautiful heart. Booooy am I going to miss her when she leaves me for summer. Kels you love others so well and are a beautiful example of Christ's love to all those you meet. Thank you for being such a support to me this year, it was the least I could to to snap a few pics of you :).
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Senior Portraits: Matt

Meet my incredible friend Matt,
my main man when it comes to breakfast dates, party planning, or a good harbor run.
Matt, you simply exude ingenuity and potential and God has such BIG things for you in the future. I have never met someone who works so hard for what he wants.
Thank you for being such an intentional friend and never failing to bring a smile to my face! It was a pleasure to take your senior portraits!

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